Caroline is now 8 weeks old. She is smiling and cooing and making a "guh" sound. Her feeding is becoming more regular and the last 3 nights she has slept 6 - 8 hrs! Here are some videos and pcitures from the last 2 weeks. We went to "the lake" in MI for Labor Day. Sawyer had a blast playing with his cousins and being at grandma's beach. He loved the trapoline and bike riding as well. Sawyer is being such a great big brother. He is settling into his role--being helpful and loving. He sure has grown up in the last 6 - 8 weeks. He can use the potty all by himself--"Mommy I need light, it's dark" (He only needs help turning the light on/off as it is above the sink and he can't reach). He loves playing with airplanes, "Bob's trucks", and board games. Our little boy is not so little anymore. He is adjusting well to his preschool room at daycare and had his first art lesson with the art teacher on Thursday. He loves it! The pictures of Sawyer are just some silly ones with him wearing Caroline's sunglasses and using the kitchen tongs as a pillow to "feed Caroline".
Enjoy the pictures and videos.