Summer Fun
Know it has been awhile. We took a trip to NC for Larry Knott's wedding at the end of June and spent through the 4th of July in Rural Hall.
Sawyer loved seeing the "honkey" (donkey) across the street from GG and Papa.
He enjoyed going to the golf course with GG and Papa. He took his clubs and held hands with his daddy and off they went into the sunset.

We have been seeing MI folks the last 3 weekends as we welcomed Kyra Kathyrn Wagner into the World July 9th, 2007.
Sawyer has enjoyed kissing and hugging the baby. He is getting better about mommy holding the baby too! We are looking forward to heading to Nags Head, NC for the Petty family beach trip. We will celebrate Sawyer's SECOND birthday day. We can't believe how he is growing up so fast. He is so much fun right now as he repeats almost everything you say, loves to play outdoors, pretends play ( feeds his animals, makes coffee and cookies in his playhouse and gives to mommy and daddy)