On Saturday afternoon and into the evening, we had some of our friends over for pizza, playing and to watch the basketball games. This is our friend's, the Tuckers, 2 1/2 year old named Jackson. They had a ball chasing each other and wrestling.

This morning at church, we had an Easter Egg hunt and brunch. Jammie helped to hide 310 eggs. Children 12 and under participated. Since Sawyer's mommy was part of the organizing group, he was "allowed" to start early. We were not sure if he would understand the concept, but sure enough, he found those eggs, picked them up and placed them in his basket.

He enjoyed himself and collectg about 15 eggs. Daddy helped him at first, then mommy had a chance to help him find eggs. He had an unfair advantage since Jammie hide 167 of the eggs!

You can see in the last picture him giving the sign for candy (his right hand to his cheek). He had some good candy and then we joined others downstairs for a great time of fellowship.

We are looking forward to spending Easter in Rural Hall, NC, although we will miss the Michigan folks. We wonder if the Easter Bunny will find Sawyer all the way in NC? Will there be an Easter Egg hunt?