18 months old

Sawyer is now 18 months old. Let's tell you all he is doing....He is saying: 20 -25 words including juice, truck, church, don't, bus, hat, shoes and Elmo; he is signing 20 signs including car, bike, cat, frog, music, bath, eat, want, thank-you, bed, more; he enjoys playing air hockey, hide-in-seek, dancing, building forts/tunnels, building and watching fire in the fireplace, helping in the kitchen and riding on his ride on toys.

He still loves his bath time and has made some new friends including ELMO and COOKIE! We have his 18 month check Friday, but unoffically he weighs 31 - 32 lbs! I will update after the visit. We have been staying warm in spite of 12 inches of snow we had last week. The University and clinic were closed 1 1/2 days. We had sme awesome family p.j days.