We can't believe that Sawyer is 15 months old. He had his well check on Friday and here are the stats: 29.7 lbs and 34 inches long. His height and weight are consistant with that of a 23 month old. YIKES. We think we may be a linebacker, but Jammie is hoping for a power forward at Carolina!
Sawyer still loves his bath. He enjoys splashing and drinking the water and saying "Yuck!"

We recently were in Charleston, SC for Jammie's college rommates wedding. We made a trip to the beach so Sawyer could play and we could run on the beach. Phillip's family was able to drive over from NC to see us and to babysit while we attended the wedding activites.

We must say that Sawyer enjoyed playing in the sand and eating too!

We had a beautiful fall day a week or so back so Phillip practiced chipping golf balls in the yard. Sawyer wanted to play too, so Daddy took some time to help him learn how to hit the ball.

Look out....the next Tiger Woods could be in the making!

That day we also raked leaves. We wanted Sawyer to "jump on in" but he wanted no part of it so Jammie showed him how!