We have been very busy. Sawyer is changing so much. He blows kisses, says "uh-oh", eats most table foods and has even walked about 5 feet unassisted. We has 6 1/2 teeth (4 upper, 2 lower, and working on the 3rd lower). He loves to be outside taking stroller and wagon rides as well as swinging. Sawyer loves basketball. We often has a family

game of "pig" and a friendly game of one-on-one in the driveway. He likes to pass or dribble or eat the ball. He does not do much shooting yet but it will come. Jammie has been working hard on this left hand and cross over dribble! Bath time is lots of fun as he has a little suction cup hoop with balls that his Aunt Janeen (and family) gave to

him. He has recieved several early birthday presents including

a set of toy golf clubs (this made Phillip very happy). We have spent most of the summer traveling to see family in MI and NC and have enjoyed all of our times together. Sawyer is almost one and we can't believe how fast he has grown