Saturday, August 02, 2008

Home Improvement

Stepping away from the obvious reason you've been tuning into the blog, I wanted to tell you about the home improvement projects I've been taking on. We were motivated to re-model our kitchen and complete some updates throughout the house this summer. We were hoping to get as much done as possible before Caroline was born and accomplished a lot of it. However, some of it was still going on right after she was born and is still ongoing.
The biggest focus was the kitchen. We decided we wanted to re-do the floor and the countertops, re-paint the walls, and replace the sink and light fixtures. We paid someone to do the countertops and sink and I did everything else. Here are pictures of the kitchen before the project as I was starting the first phase, the painting. You can see the old countertops, floor and the wall colors.

I painted the walls, doors and trim using two shades of brown.

After the walls were done, I put down a new floor. I used a vinyl product that comes in "planks" and has a stone look to it. I started on the Saturday before Caroline was born and worked all day. I needed to finish up a little bit on Sunday. Thankfully, she cooperated and waited until the floor was done and I could put the stove and refrigerator back in place.

I think the finished floor looked really good.

The next step was the countertops.......


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