We are in our 18th week. So far, so good. I (Jammie) have felt the baby kick a lot. Strong kid:) Sawyer says he wants a baby brother, but does change his mind within minutes to say sister..or both (sorry no twins). Ultrasound in 2 or 3 weeks.

We went to the zoo on Saturday and Sawyer loved his "long johns" He did not want to take them off and wanted his sock pulled up "higher, higher". Sawyer is a little ham. He loves being naked. We have been working on potty training, which is going alright. He will go before bath and bed during the week (they also work on it at "school") and on the weekend he try more as we are with him. While in the bath tub last night, he told me "I have to pee", so I got him out and quickly to the potty and he went:) BIG STEP in the potty training world. Needless to say that he is not so thrilled to try to go "#2" on the potty...he actually will run the other way, so we do not push the issue.
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