Christmas in Michigan
We arrived in Michigan on the afternoon of Dec 22 after having had our own family Christmas at home in Toledo. Sawyer enjoyed spending some time with Grandma and Pa. Grandma let him color with markers at the kitchen table. He didn't quite keep the markers on the paper.

The days leading up to Christmas were spent just spending

Before heading to bed, Sawyer read "The Night Before Christmas" with Mommy and Daddy, which we started doing last Christmas Eve.

The days leading up to Christmas were spent just spending
time with all of his cousins, aunts and uncles and he had a ball! On Christmas Eve, we all went to church at St. Mary's.
Sawyer was very daper.
After church, we had a big meal back at Grandma's and then there was playing with cousins and opening up some presents!
Sawyer had a big time on Christmas Day. We started off with just the 3 of us and Mommy and Daddy exchanged a few more gifts.
The rest of the morning and day was spent opening LOTS and LOTS of presents and munching on cookies and snacks. Sawyer learned where the cookies were and how to give the sign for cookie/candy. He was too cute doing it. Finally, Mommy and Daddy tried to use good judgement when he went over to the cookies and asked for one by telling him that he had already enough cookies for the day. Being the resourceful guy he is, he promptly went over to Grandma and asked her for a cookie. Mommy and Daddy were forced to give in to this display and allowed Grandma to reward the little weasel with another cookie.
A good day was had by all. Even Pa was in a good mood on Christmas!
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