Almost 9 months old

Sawyer will be 9 months old this week, but I figured I'd go ahead and post some updates. He is eating more "real food" these days. Tonight, we gave him chunks of banana, mango and avocado that he picked up to feed himself. We even let him gnaw on the banana and one time he successfully got a piece off in his mouth.
Of course he is enjoying eating food in general as you can see here
Other milestones this week include clapping. He especially likes to clap in the mornings when he first wakes up and still in his crib. He also will clap on command, which makes him fun at parties.
Another big milestone is he has said his first word which was "Ma-ma", which isn't surprising as much of a mamma's boy he is. A couple of nights ago while I was holding him, he started reaching for Jammie and said "mmma-ma". Jammie almost (that's almost) cried. (She definitely isn't a Petty). For the record, he had already said da-da, but we didn't count it because he didn't seem to be directing it at me.
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